day 6


Finally here it comes, the first day of school after the holidays. But "obviously", as it's the first day, as Alfred told me, not everybody decided to turn up, including the local teachers (let's say 30% of the kids showed up). It's hard to explain how things work here, so I'll try to help you to understand step by step during the next few chapters.

Anyway today was more like a summer camp. First, we played a little then the students helped to clean a room and sort out the others: everybody was very excited to see a new tall, white guy, so I was fortunately subjected to plenty of attention and smiles that helped me not to think about some bad news which came from Italy. After a while, it was time to start seriously, so I took my class and I led them to the room. There's no need to say how happy they were to know that the tall guy was their teacher, today the maths one! I would love to tell you their names but they're mostly incomprehensible: just give me time! Another mystery is their age. Children from 8 to 12 years old all together. Whatever! We started with few simple exercises just to understand their level. Soon, I got why the only 12 year-old is in the same class as the children aged 8 and 9. But they're attentive and interested and the time passed quickly.

For today, this short introduction is enough. Let me just conclude with the suggestion of the day. When the fan in your room is on and suspended at a height of just 2 meters, don't raise your arms! cut  a finger and got a black nail on another. No big deal of course!


day 5


day 7