day 19


After I had spent the morning deep in my own thoughts and memories, I needed some distractions. Since Margaret was late, I decided to cook something similar to an Italian pasta using spaghetti, turkey and the vegetables in the fridge. Not easy using just one single fire (an actual fire), but the result was well-appreciated!

After lunch, Sergio (from Chile) and I decided to go to visit the Monkey Sanctuary. It should have been just a 40-minute trip from Have, but we had to wait 65 minutes just to find a TroTro going in our direction. The last part of the journey was on a taxi motorbike, the driver plus us two with no helmets. But it was just 10 easy minutes. Definitely an experience!

Well, this sanctuary was simply an area of jungle near the village of Tafi Atome where these Mona monkeys live. We paid at the reception and we went with the guide into the jungle. After 35 minutes of walking, still no monkeys! But there was a snake. At that point, we were back near the reception and...There they were! Just on the tree behind the building. So we took out the bananas to feed them. All the females patiently waited for the alpha male to serve himself and then they too started climbing on our arms to open and eat the bananas we were holding. Well, it was something unusual for sure! It's an easy life for them, jumping from tree to tree, waiting for tourists to feed them.

I wonder if a monkey has its own thoughts and worries.


day 18


day 20